Complete the entire process online from home at your pace
Fixed APRs across different terms
Eligible for discount of 0.25% when monthly payments are made automatically from a bank account.2
Money disbursed directly to your bank account
Estimate your monthly payment with a Laurel Road Personal Loan.
The calculated payments are only an estimate. Your actual payments will depend on the actual amount for which you are approved. Eligibility and rates offered will depend on your credit profile and other factors. Rates in the above table include a 0.25% discount for making automatic payments from a bank account.2
Find the right loan for you with our competitive fixed rates
Term | Fixed APR |
3 year | 8.99%—23.25% |
4 year | 9.49%—23.75% |
5 year | 9.99%—24.25% |
Eligibility and rates offered will depend on your credit profile and other factors. Rates in the above table include a 0.25% discount for making automatic payments from a bank account.2 View Payment Examples Below.
If you’re one of the many who carry various debts or a heavy overall debt load, consolidation is one of the most consequential actions you can take to get control of your debt and attack it head on.
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