Having student loan debt can feel like an overwhelming burden on its own, but also having to spend the time to educate yourself about all the potential ways you could manage that debt can add on another layer of stress. Given the complexity of federal programs – such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) and Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) – and their frequently changing requirements, it’s especially tough for borrowers to stay up-to-date on what their options are and determine which path is right for them.
Fortunately, there are opportunities for help that can help you de-stress about student loan management and save you time. Laurel Road Student Loan FreedomSM, our comprehensive suite of student loan management solutions, offers borrowers:
- A free 30-minute consultation with a student loan specialist who can analyze your student loans, help you understand your eligibility for federal forgiveness programs, and create a personalized plan based for you based on your financial goals.
- Student loan forgiveness counseling memberships that provide those pursuing forgiveness through PSLF or IDR with ongoing one-on-one access to student loan expertise and help navigating program requirements year after year. And, with a Laurel Road Freedom Plus CheckingSM account, you can easily manage your student loan payments and track your forgiveness progress.
- Competitive student loan refinancing options that could help you save.
Read on to learn more about the student loan landscape, your potential options, and to how to stress less about your student loan debt.