Refinancing your student loans could help you pay off your debt sooner and potentially save you money with a lower interest rate or shorter loan term.
You could refinance federal and private student loans—even if you’ve consolidated or refinanced before—but each lender has different rates and criteria for eligibility. Find out if you meet the student loan refinance requirements.
Credit score
A strong credit score is a big plus. Typically, the higher your score, the lower the new rate. If you’re struggling with credit, look for ways to improve your score, or consider adding a co-signer that has excellent credit.
Occupation, income, debt-to-income ratio (DTI), and degrees
Showing that you have a stable income, a low debt-to-income ratio, and a good debt repayment history should also help you qualify.
In most cases, you’ll also need to have graduated or be close to graduating from an accredited Title IV US school.
Be aware that if you refinance federal student loans, you’ll lose access to the federal repayment and loan forgiveness programs they offer, so be sure to review these benefits at before you decide.
Learn more about refinance qualifications
Strategic student loan refinancing can pave the way to accelerated payoff, cost savings, and a personalized repayment path for your professional journey.
To learn more about the benefits of student loan refinancing, visit