Now you can benchmark yourself against others based on your specialty and location, with comparison data tools that give you a snapshot of your peers’ salaries, student loan payments and balances, and credit scores.
Get customized recommendations to set and reach goals for budget, emergency savings, disability insurance coverage, and more.
Explore tailored financial resources, interactive tools, and content collections for doctors based on your profession and career stage. From budgeting during residency to managing medical school loans, get the insights you need to reach your next financial milestone.
Financial Insights is a financial literacy hub, designed to give doctors the information, research and financial best practices they need to help them make smart financial choices. It includes articles about financial best practices, peer-benchmarking data, and customized financial insights for doctors at different career stages.
Access to Financial Insights is available to current Laurel Road Members with an existing credit card, student loan or personal loan who are physicians and dentists, including interns, residents, fellows, clinical professors, researchers, and managing physicians or dentists with one of the following qualifying medical or dental degrees: Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry/Doctor of Dental Medicine, Doctor of Audiology, Doctor of Chiropractic, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Doctor of Optometry, Doctor of Podiatry, or Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.
Credit score, salary, student loan and credit card data are all derived from former student loan applicants. The data is anonymized and grouped so it can be presented to you as a perspective on your peers while maintaining individual data privacy.
No. Information you enter may be used to further personalize your experience, i.e. present an insight, but it is not shared with other users and is not added to the displayed dataset. The displayed dataset is comprised only of data that has been verified as part of a student loan application.